Filter Based on Year of Graduation


Chad Blake (BA '21) is an MDiv Student at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

John Rivera (MSC '20) graduated with the intent to pursue My LPCC licensure. However fate has John in Okinawa for a few years.


Erich Pfohl (MBA '18) and wife, Kristina, welcomed their second child, Gavin, on April 20th 2020. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces. Gavin has a super proud big sister, Chloe, at home that helps with everything! The Pfohls can't wait for next year to be at the baseball field cheering on dad!

Jocelyn Carlson (BA '17, MBA '18) and Titus (BA '17) started her own business as a wedding videographer. She loves capturing love stories and God working through marriages in this way. Titus works in Marketing as a civilian for the Air Force. They currently live in Big Bear Lake.

Leslie Coffee (BA '13, M.Ed. '17) is starting her 6th year at Rocklin Academy Gateway teaching 3rd grade. This year I was able to host 4 students from China in our classroom for two days. Hosting these kids reminded her of all the wonderful people at HIU and the International Students Program that she was lucky enough to be a part of.

April Congdon (BS '17) As a director for Amor in Puerto Morelos, April is on the lookout for ways to make the programs developed there more sustainable.

Haleigh McDaniel (BS '17) After being in food service for 6 months Haleigh moved onto a job working in an assisted living facility but God closed that door after 3 weeks and brought her to a daycare center where she could use her degree to be an assistant teacher. She loves pouring into the lives of children and hopes to be a light to these boys and girls and give them love they might need.

Caitlyn (Christine) Barnes (BS '16) In early 2019, Caitlyn self-published her first book called "DIRT on the Table," a devotional inspiring others to think deeply about God and listen closely to His Spirit. "DIRT on the Table" comes out of her many years spent at HOPE learning how to read the Bible and extract contemporary truth. Caitlyn is thrilled to say that "DIRT on the Table" is now available on Amazon and was picked up by Barnes and Noble Online.

Diana Francis (BS '16) graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in May 2022 with two masters degrees - a Masters in Theology (ThM) and a Masters in Christian Leadership (MACL.) Diana is currently a doctoral student in the Doctor of Educational Ministry program (DEdMin).

Carol Matthews (MA '16) originally graduated from HIU in 2002, with an MBA in non-profit management; which served her well for six years while she volunteered for a local nonprofit and did some nonprofit management consulting for a couple of years. Her heart and soul were called into ministry, so over the years she worked in various ministries, but without the benefit of a formal ministry education. In 2014, Carol returned to HIU, pursued an M.A. in Ministry and Christian Leadership, and graduated in October 2016. Since then, God has done miraculous things to help create a platform to grow His work, through her ministry. Although she has worked in community outreach for years, as well as with an international nonprofit since 2011, her ministry is now "official". The, I.R.S. approved Bestowing HOPE Ministries as a 501(c) (3) effective May 25, 2017. This ministry based on Matthew 28: 18-20, and the primary focus are to reach hard to reach souls. Thus far, the ministry outreach includes working with seniors who are shut-in and no longer drive and incarcerated women. Additionally, providing meals to under-served families and individuals a couple of times per year, as well as an annual Ladies Spring Tea, which focus is to reach unsaved, "un-churched" women, and, as funding allows, providing funds to a nonprofit in South Africa. Now that Bestowing HOPE Ministries is a 501(c) (3), they can seek grants to be able to do more work for the kingdom.

Allyssa (BA '16, MEd '18) and Nick () Mercado were married in 2019. Allyssa is a 4th grade teacher in the San Bernardino City Unified School District.

Scott (BA '16) and Emily (Thomas/BA '15) Stebner announce the birth of their first child. Arlen Stebner was born on July 12th, 2016. The family is "overjoyed". The Stebner's currently live in La Habra, CA

Jessica Vines (BA '16) and Delaney (BS '15) just had their first baby! Ada Claire Vines born on July 5th, 2018.

Kim Beisel (BA '15) graduated with a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from University at Buffalo, State University of New York on May 17th. This fall, she will be returning to complete a second year of internship with Christian Encounter Ministries, focusing on crisis intervention with the residents.

Melissa Bierend (BS '15) is employed by the Hart School District in Santa Clarita, CA in Special Needs Education at Rio Norte Middle School. She is also an in-home behavior technician for The Behavioral Learning Center. Melissa is pursuing a MS in Occupational Therapy.

Marcella ( BS '13, MA '15) and Christopher ( BA '96) Brazelton Marcella has accepted a position working with a growing dance ministry in Costa Mesa, CA. The group is a 501(c)3 that believes that everyone should have access to quality dance instruction. Their vision is to teach the art of dance in a God-honoring environment. The students participate in community events where they are given the opportunity to use dance to share the Gospel.

Vonda Hamilton (MA '15) and her husband, Steve, continue to serve as missionaries with the Deaf with Expressions of Emmanuel (Video, Outreach, & writing projects). Vonda and Steve have both had cancer and Covid battles and the Lord has graciously helped them overcome. Although Steve has had some recent challenges. Vonda is excited as she has written her first book (with video cutriculum, released in 2021) "Letting the Cat out of the Bag Learning ABC Idioms with ASL". Vonda prays that God's Word in this book will touch both Deaf and Hearing children and their families. The book has 52 beautiful vibrant colorful pages with sign language illustrations. The DVD curriculum teaches idioms, sign language, and Bible truths. You can purchase it at Another book "As Easy As 123 No Gray Area Learning Number and Color Idioms with ASL" book and video curriculum will also be released this year. Two other children's books are also in the works.

Andrew Hesse (BA '15, MBA '18) and Briana (Hitchcock/BA '19) Andy is the Interim Office Assistant at American Marketing Alliance, Social Purpose Corporation. He and Briana live in Washington with their daughter.

McKayla Kennedy (BA '15) has been honored with two writing awards for contributions on (2016 and 2017), and work as a children's ministry coordinator at Canvas Church in Upland, CA.

Lauren Leffler (BA '15) is a foster/adoption social worker in San Diego for the non-profit Olive Crest. Olive Crest is contracted with the county and provides foster families for foster kids who need a safe home. Lauren is earning hours towards becoming a licensed clinical social worker.

James Marshall (MA '15) is working as an administrator at a non public school serving students with special needs. His daughter was born in March 2017.

James Marshall (MA '15) was recently promoted to the position of Assistant Principal at Cypress Elementary School in Fontana California.

Faith Wilson (BA '15) completed her coursework for her Masters of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary. Now she works as a Chaplain Intern at UCLA in the pediatric unit. In addition to this internship, she works for her church as the High Ministry Intern.

Michelle Coats (MA '14) was recently appointed to her first pastorate at the Pulaski Free Methodist Church. This is what she studied and prepared to do, though she was not sure when, or if, it would happen as her husband was not yet a Christian. Praise the Lord he submitted his life to Christ in April 2016. By 2017, the official call came to begin the ordination process. Michelle says that her studies in the Master's Ministry program equipped her well. Since graduation, her two daughters have gotten married. They have two grandchildren (Zander and Jasmine), with a third on the way (Grace, due December 22nd). Michelle continues to thank and praise for the Lord for these beautiful blessings.

Beatrice (BA '14) and Zach (BA '18) Jones got married on 10/4/15 and now have 2 daughters, Finnley Mae Jones born 6/16/2018 and Norah Wren Jones born 11/5/2020.

Carl Myers (MBA '14) has accepted a new position as a Public Relations Specialist for the Los Angeles Zoo. After three wonderful years of working in the Office of Communications and Marketing at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas, I'll be moving to Los Angeles this October.

Lauren (Ackerson/BA '14, M.Ed. '16) Navar works at Azusa Pacific University as a program representative. She loves higher education. Lauren is also excepting her first child (boy) March 2021!

Matt Rader (BA '01, MA'14) is the Dean of Students at a Christian Elementary School in Watsonville, CA

Brittany (Woolstrum/ BA '10, M.Ed. '14) Rineer recently started a school that reaches out to students who struggle in school or need a healthy Christ-rooted and individualized atmosphere, but their families are unable to afford a private education. Brittany also loves spending time with her husband, Glen, and 2 beautiful children.

Nancy Slater (MA '14) is volunteering at The Church LV and SAFE House in Henderson, NV. Nancy is seeking an adjunct professorship position concentrating on online instruction in leadership, women's issues, and domestic violence education and prevention. She hopes to have her first book published this year.

Sandy Steve (MCM '14) and Merrilee announce the birth of their first child. Tristan Gabriel Sandy was born November 17, 2015. The family lives in Tustin, CA.

Trevor Williams (BA '14) recently started a Ph.D. program at Villanova University and is focusing on systematic and historical theology.

Scott Cunningham (MBA '13) Before attending Hope, Scott worked for NorthRidge Church in various pastoral roles. He ultimately moved to Nicaragua to work for Food for the Hungry. While with Food for the Hungry he attended HIU online in the MBA program and focused on International Development. Scott is currently 8 years into living in Nicaragua and currently works for Amigos for Christ as the Director of Strategy and Innovation. Amigos for Christ helps provide clean, running water in the homes of rural Nicaraguans as well as flush toilets and showers in every home.

Gilbert Enriquez (BA '13) and wife, Deborah, are pleased to announce the addition of Sophia Moriel Enriquez to their family on 9/1/2016. The Enriquez's also have a son, David, who is now a big brother!

Christopher Hoover (MFT '13) is working full-time as clinician at Telecare. Chris is also serving as Youth Leader at Anaheim 1st Church of the Nazarene. He just had his 25th anniversary with wife Oona. Chris uses his MFT degree on a daily basis providing mental health services. He interacts everyday with the most severely mentally ill people of Orange County.

Alfred Kimmel (BA '13) and Mayra are reunited after she completed her immigration process and arrived in the USA on December 20, 2016.

Grace Marroquin (BM '13) is working as a legal secretary for a law firm in Century City. Working with the issues of immigration, she has contact with foreign countries where US Embassies are located. She has auditioned for the Los Angeles Philharmonic Lawyers and Legal Assistants Choir. She is happy doing what she loves, music and now law.

Dan Shaker (AA '13) and Melissa are proud to announce the birth of their first daughter, Melody Joy Shaker born on November 8, 2015. Melody has an older brother Vincent Edward Shaker, 10/27/12. The Shakers live in Warren, OH

David Anderson (BS '12) and Wendi (Lingo/BA '10, MFT '12) announce the birth of their first child, Grant Raymond Anderson born on May 18, 2015. Wendi works at HIU as a Program Administrative Assistant. The Andersons live in Orange, CA.

Neil (BA '12) and Lindsey (Miller/BA '13) Baker Neil recently returned to his hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada, to begin his career as a management-side labor and employment attorney at Littler Mendelson. After Neil graduated from the Maurer School of Law at Indiana University, Bloomington, he and Lindsey made a temporary move to Salt Lake City, Utah, where Neil clerked for the Honorable Gregory K. Orme of the Utah Court of Appeals. Now that they've finally made it home, they enjoy visiting with family. It was during Neil's time at HIU that he discovered his interest in the law, and his Liberal Arts degree left him uniquely prepared for the challenges he would meet in law school. Neil looks back fondly on his time competing with HIU's delegation to the Harvard National Model United Nations conference in 2012, where he had the opportunity to debate international issues with students from all over the country. When he got to law school, the skills he acquired at HIU propelled him to the top fifth of his class.

Sarah Brown (BA '12) married Nick Stuckey on August 8, 2014. The newlyweds will live in Renton, WA where Sarah is a Marketing Specialist and Leasing Agent.

Breanna (Keller/BA '12) Davis would like to announce her marriage on November 14, 2015 to Alexander Davis.

Ramel Dixon (MBA '12) and wife, Annya, proudly announce the birth of their daughter Nadia Charlotte born June 1, 2016, a precious gift from God. Ramel graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in June, 2016 earning a Master's in Intercultural Studies with an emphasis in International Development and Urban Studies. The Dixons live in Pasadena, CA.

Minta "Lenae" (Hardman/BA '12) Gabriel married Isaias Gabriel on 12/28/2013. Lenae is living in the Dominican Republic as a missionary working with GO Ministries as the Coordinator of Teams and Children's Ministry. Lenae and Isaias are ecstatic to welcome little Troy Anthony Gabriel into the world! Born June 20th, 2016 weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce 19.5 inches.

Kerry Goad (BA '12) On May 6, 2017 Kerry graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies with a Biblical Studies emphasis.

Ali Hamze (MBA '12) and Rachelle (BA '12) We have recently moved back to CA after living in WA and NE. Ali is now the Food Service Director at Cal State Fullerton and runs the Gastronome. Rachelle teaches at Molokan Elementary School as the 5th and 6th grade teacher.

Medardo Lugo-Bazan (BS '12) Since graduation from HOPE Medardo has gone on to form his own business, which has grown from an operations/processing facility to now owning 3 online stores and working on his next. He had a slow period as he required back fusion surgery however all is good now.

Amanda (BA '12) and Joe () McCarthy Eloped 6/8/18 - married by Dr. Matson. They welcomed their first child, Violet Marie McCarthy on 8/21/21.

David Pineschi (MBA '12) became the Director of Donor Development at William Jessup University in Rocklin, CA in January 2014. He then married his fiance, Gina on July 25, 2014. The Pineschi's currently live in Lincoln, CA

Tim Booher (BS '11) and Jill Booher reside in Corona with their children Tatum,Liam (4) and Ellani (3). Tim is the pastor of the IMPACT kid's ministry at Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, CA.

Stephanie Coats (BA '11) After working at HIU since 2011 in the Advancement Department, Stephanie Coats (BA '11) has taken a position as the Communications Coordinator at Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.

Amanda Elliott (BA '11) graduated from Duke University with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy in May, 2014. In 2015, Amanda gained a certificate in Parkinson's Disease management and Vestibular Rehabilitation. Amanda is currently living in Rainbow City, AL.

Scott Gross (MBA '11) was recently selected as 1 of 58 Air Force Officers to begin training to become a Regional Affairs Strategist/Foreign Area Officer. This position is the military equivalent of a State Department Foreign Service Officer. Scott attended the Defense Language Institute to learn French. Upon graduation from DLI, he will attend the Naval Post Graduate School to earn a Master's degree in International Affairs. After graduating from NPS, he will be positioned to serve as an Attache within a US embassy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Krystle Lisenby (MBA '11) is working at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, OC/IE Chapter, as the Campaign Manager of Special Events.

Andrew Paine (MBA '11) and Sara were married on July 30th, 2016. Sara had adopted a son a few years ago so Andrew is also now the proud father of a 7 year old son, Micah.

Sarah Paulsen (BA '11) runs her own business as a certified personal trainer. She currently lives in Murrieta, CA with her 2 year old daughter, Savannah. Sarah was featured in the February 2014 edition of Oxygen Magazine.

Jonathan Shaw (MA '11) is the Connections Coordinator at Mountainview Community Christian Church in Highlands Ranch, CO. Jon works with the youth, young adults and life group ministries.

Emily (Walczak/BA '11) Thompson and her husband Jake just bought their first home in Queen Creek, AZ. The couple just celebrated 6 years of marriage May 22, 2018. Emily and Jake have three adorable dogs: Bella (corgi mix), Thor (chihuahua mix), and Loki (lab/pit bull mix). Emily is currently working at an outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic and Jake works for FedEx.

Buai Tut (FS '11) is currently employed by the Port of San Diego as a Community Services Officer. Previously, Buai was employed as a Traffic Officer by the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority.

Sophenia Wade (BA '11) has enrolled in an online Masters program at Tennessee Baptist Seminary with a concentration in Women's Ministries.

Emily (Jones/BA '10) Antisdel and her husband, Kody, moved to Tacoma, WA after she graduated. Kody is working for a church as a youth/worship/administration pastor. Emily is working for a mission's organization called Go, Inc. and recently returned from a mission trip to Haiti. They are expecting their first child.

Joel Bockhahn (BA '10) and Carissa Bockhahn reside in Grover Beach, CA. Joel accepted a position with an aerospace company.

Lynda (Berg/BA '10) Buskey went on to receive a Masters of Divinity from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC. She has been able to pursue a calling as an organizer for the National Nurses United.

Justin Butorac (BS '10) is an Associate Pastor and has been at Pacific Hills since 2007. Justin is involved in various ministries and currently pastors the Jr. High ministry, oversees church communication and technology, and manages the Balanced Word radio ministry. Justin is married to his beautiful wife Krista, and has 2 children named Connor and Scarlett. He enjoys reading, surfing with friends, school, and spending time with his family. He has a degree in Christian Ministry from Hope International University, and his Master's Degree from the Talbot School of Theology.

Ashley (Brouillette/BA '10) Holden is the Director of Children's Ministry at Park Avenue Christian Church in Montebello, CA. She oversees birth through 12th grade (from birth to 6th grade). Ashley is happy to announce that on October 22, 2016 her name changed from Ashley Brouillette to Ashley Holden when she married her best friend, Scott Holden. Scott is a former CSUF student. On April 16th, 2018 Ashley gave birth to her first child, Mary Susanna Holden. Ashley graduated from a year long diploma program in children's ministry in 2021 from Kidmin Academy.

Alex Jackson (BA '10) started working at Park Avenue Christian Church after leaving Hope. His role is to plant a youth ministry and recruit volunteers to keep it growing. They have grown to 40 students on a regular basis. He is also in charge of the church's after school tutoring program.

Brandon Maynard (BA '10) In 2017, Brandon received his PsyD in Clinical Psychology, and has recently become licensed in the State of Wyoming as a Clinical Psychologist. He will be moving into the position of managing the mental health crisis team, providing oversight of a developing crisis program that serves the community of Cheyenne, Wyoming. This comes after approximately twelve years of higher education. Amongst his adventures was being able to present his dissertation at the 125th American Psychological Association convention in Washington D.C. in the last year. Additionally, he welcomed his third daughter into the world, and has been happily married to his wife, Miriam, a graduate of California State University in Fullerton, whom he met in his senior year at HIU. Dr. Maynard is grateful for the education he received with HIU, and continues to practice many of the leadership principals in his career.

Cristina (Suarez/BA '10) Morgenlander proudly announces her completion from Liberty University of a Masters in Divinity, majoring in Professional Ministry in May 2016. The Morgenlanders continue to serve in Colombia through their humanitarian organization establishing an after school program that feeds 150 children.

Caleb Phillips (MBA '10) along with his wife Christy and son Luke have moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand as CMF missionaries. The Phillips are doing community development focusing on building sustainable children's homes to shelter at risk and trafficked children. They are using a combination of CHE (Community Health Evangelism), aquaphonics and church planting methods.

Nicole (BA '10) and Perris (BA '11) Rowan In January 2015, Nicole and Perris helped plant a Church in Irvine (Prodigal Church) and serve in leadership roles on staff. Nicole has had the opportunity of preaching, gathering pastors in Irvine to chase after collaboration and the "big C" Church! She also wrote a 30 day devotional, Kingdom Daughters for women that can be bought on Amazon! Nicole & Perris�s Rowan welcomed baby #3, Radshak Suede Rowan on July 21st!

Trevor Schulte (BA '10) and fianc�, Siobhan (Shiv-awn), have their wedding planned for October 15th.

Sarah (Paulsen/BA '10) Smart is working as a Course Maintenance Specialist for Allied Business Schools in Laguna Hills, CA. Her husband, Chase, is deployed in Afghanistan with the US Marine Corps.

Shanna Wilson (BS '10) is currently a stay-at- home mother of a newborn daughter and working as a Mary Kay Independent Consultant. Shanna is also working on starting her own line of baby clothing. She plans on starting the process to become a certified NANC counselor She is also busy co-leading a mom's group as well as teaching a women's small group. In the future, Shanna plans on returning to school to earn a Masters in teaching theatre for secondary education.

Josh Wilson (BA '10) and Caitlin (Hannan/BA '12) have one daughter, Eliana born in August 9, 2015. Josh continued his education after leaving HIU by attending Emmanuel Christian Seminary in Johnson City, TN where he received a Master of Divinity. They have moved to Mukilteo, WA where Josh has taken a job as a night chaplain at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, WA. He is currently working on board certification. Josh, Caitlin and daughter Eliana are enjoying their time together and the transition to their new home.

Brittany Wright (FS '10) is the Minister of Music at MacArthur Blvd. Christian Church in Vancouver, WA.

Stephanie Zavaleta (BA '10) and Jonathan () Married January 2015 Daughter born October 2015 Daughter born February 2019


Michael Allen (BA '09) and Bethany (BA '09) Bethany and Michael have been serving with Campus Crusade for Christ for the past 8 years. They spent the first six doing campus ministry with college students and have now transitioned to serving with the Jesus film. Michael is a film director for new content at Jesus Film and is part of developing new evangelistic media content. Michael�s short film "Delight" made it to the final round of the 2018 Austin film festival and his new film "Uninvited Guests" is currently on the film festival circuit. Michael also recruits and trains new churches and communities on using short film in ministry. They have 3 kids, Ellanora (5), Lola Mae (3), and Daxton who is about to turn 1 on April 18th. The Allens are so thankful for the foundation they received at Hope of reaching the world for Christ with our talents and passions. At the Jesus film our team is tasked with reaching the 3.5 billion urban community dwellers around the world.

Uninvited Guests from Broken Phonebooth on Vimeo.

Kevin (BA '09) and Lani (Smith/BA '09) Forbes moved to Boise, ID. Kevin is a Hospice Chaplin for VITAS Hospice and received the Chaplain of the Year Award in 2010. He completed a Masters of Theology from Fuller Seminary. Kevin and Lani recently gave birth to their third child, a little baby boy named Wyatt. While in the hospital, they discovered Lani has Stage IV neuroendocrine cancer in her lung, liver, and spine. She is fighting hard, but it�s been a crazy battle. In good news, the third book in Lani's series is publishing Feb 15, 2022 and received a Kirkus Starred review. Book one in the series won the Real Award for best Young Adult, Best Debut, and Best Christian Fantasy. She also signed a second book deal with Blackstone Publishing for a new series. Lani is excited to write in between chemo treatments and chasing around three young children.

Rick Gregory (MBA '09) and Sherry Gregory went to Uganda in January to represent Water for All, International (WFA) to fulfill a grant to deliver 10 water wells to one of the poorest counties. They were in Uganda until June, when they returned to Huntington Beach, CA.

Kyle Henderson (BA '09) and Kirsty (Welch/BA '08) returned to southern California after joining a church plant in Arizona as a Student Minister in 2012 to take on the role of Campus Involvement Pastor at First Christian Church, Huntington Beach. Kyle transitioned to Pastor of High School at FCC in 2014. Kirsty works at Wells Fargo's corporate offices as an Administrative Assistant. The Hendersons live in Huntington Beach with their two children, Addalyn and Clayton.

Walter Hintz (MBA '09) has been able to see the benefits of his International Development MBA in his work with Compassion International. He says he misses the regular interaction with other students and professors on relevant topics, and really appreciates the education that he received from HIU.

Michael Johnson (BA '09) finished his first school year as a Special Education Teacher at Leuzinger High in Lawndale, CA. This year, Michael plans on completing his Masters of Education (with an emphasis in Special Education) from Azusa Pacific University.

Rachel Johnson (BA '09) and Jared Johnson are proud parents of their daughter, Callie, born January 28, 2014. The Johnson's continue to live in Gresham, OR.

Dale Lawrence (MA '09) and Diana (Bea/) will be celebrating 28 years on the mission field in August! Founding Arizona Reservation Ministries in 2002, 35 homes for the homeless have been built, 100+ have been baptized, and their lives, as well as countless from the Navajo, White Mountain Apache and San Carlos Apache Nations have been changed as well in this grand adventure!

Dawn Macchiavello (Sin/MFT '09) after spending a year running a mentor group for high school students and working in Special Education in a middle school, God has finally opened the door for her to open a Pastoral Counseling practice in South Orange County. Dawn and her family currently live in Dana Point, CA.

Georgina Niemeyer (BS '09) continues to enjoy being a homemaker. Since starting at Hope, her family has grown from 2 children to 4. She is very involved in her children's homeschooling.

Chris Taylor (MA '09) and wife Ila (MA '08) are involved with a new church plant in Ontario, CA called LaunchPoint Community Church. Please check out their web site

Susan (Kubitz/BS '09) Wroten and her husband retired in February of 2017. They sold their house in California and bought a sail boat. They live full time on their boat cruising the Caribbean. Their son is in the Air Force and their daughter got married Oct 12, 2019.

Susett Anderson (MFT '08) continues to work with her first love, a career with young children. Susett is looking forward to stepping out into the counseling arena with children and young families.

Amanda Bellamy (BA '08) is working as the Community Services Specialist for the City of Mission Viejo.

Michael (BA '08) and Andrea (Andi) (Wildermuth/BA '10) Berryman With great joy, during the week of Christmas (2016) the couple was placed with a 6 week old baby boy. They have adopted him and named him Dakota Charles and he was their best Christmas gift. Andi currently works as full time Youth and Family Ministries Director and Michael works full time at Elementary school.

Destaney (McKinnie/BA '08) Bland is married and a mother of two beautiful daughters. She is currently serving in her local church as a youth leader and in the process of completing a Master's degree.

Anthony Decker (AA '06, BS '08) and Melanie () is an IT Director at The Aerospace Corporation. He and his wife, Melanie recently moved to Wisconsin.

Shannon Huard (BA '08, MA '11) worked at a church in Corona, CA, while finishing up her MA in Ministry in Intercultural Studies. Since graduating from HIU, Shannon has lived in China, taught English at a university, and volunteered in youth groups as a worship and youth leader. Now that her graduate program is finished, she plans on teaching intercultural studies and working with international students.

Robin Joyce (MA '08) is married to Patty (38 years on Sept. 5, 2020); two kids (Jillian, 30; and Miles, 27). Pastor (men's and senior adults) at Canyon Ridge Christian Church from 2008-2015; Director of Advancement at Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School since 2015; Elder at Canyon Ridge Christian Church since 2017; turned 60 this past January; will celebrate 42 years in the Lord on Aug. 17, 2020.

Rebecca Larson (BA '08) Rebecca, Gavin, Micah, and Noah welcomed baby girl Marah in September 2020. In March of 2021, Rebecca accepted a promotion at Columbia Memorial Hospital, where she is now the Care Management Department Supervisor. Her husband, Gavin, is the youth minister at Christian Church of Warrenton. They bought their first home in Warrenton in March of 2014.

Diane (Thompson/BS '08) McCarthy finished her Masters degree in Education and teaching credential in May 2011. Her husband, Patrick, is an engineer and adjunct college professor.

Alisson Rodgers (BA '08) is the Student Involvement Coordinator at Washington State University, Tri Cities. She will be overseeing student government and clubs, facilitating student leadership, organizing New Student Orientation and other social activities throughout the year. Allison previously worked at Hope in 2006 as a student and then full time in 2009 in the Registrar's Office. Her new job brings her closer to her family in Washington.

Lynda Rosiles (MA '08) is working as a Hospice Chaplain. She feels that Hope helped prepared her to serve those who are facing the end of life or that of a loved one.

Eric Sanford (MA '08) Became the University Registrar at Friends University, Wichita, KS February 15, 2021.

Michael Soderling (MBA '08) and his wife Chris lived in Guatemala and were involved in organizational development, governance, networking, building partnerships between the north and the south, and being a Barnabas to the local leadership. Michael works with a Christian school, a shelter for abused women, and two community health and development projects. Mike and wife Chris are currently living in Pasadena, CA where Mike is the Director of Program Development for Center for Health in Mission.

Kari Turner (BA '08) upon graduating interned at Central Christian Church in Mesa and Gilbert in their Children's Ministry. She has finished a Master's program at Grand Canyon University in secondary education and is teaching 7th grade math. Kari also has a handsome four year old little boy, Dominic in her life.

Liz Worthley-Ronan (BA '08) married David Ronan in 2015. They have a beautiful son, Harrison Jack (1 year old). Liz is in her fifth year of teaching elementary PE and just bought their first home in Visalia, CA.

Rebecca (BA '07) and Tim (BA '06) Anderson have lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil since 2012. They work for Solidarity among the marginalized communities of the city. They are excited to witness how their lives are continually transformed as they experience more of Jesus together.

Derek (BA '07) and Krista (Mullally/BA '07) Beaudoin have been married for 13 years now (2007) and have the joy of two daughters: Glory Michelle (age 6), and Violet Grace (age 2). Our dog Marty McFly (age 12?) is still with us as a part of our family. Derek just celebrated 10 years of ministry at St. Johns Christian Church in Portland, OR and was blessed and refreshed from a sabbatical this winter where he was able to rediscover his love for and talent in art. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp in Cloverdale, OR. Krista received her Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management from Marylhurst University in 2016. She currently works as the Access Supervisor for the Brain & Spine Institute at Providence Health.

Josh Bollen (BA '07) and Karyss (Love/BA '05) are living and serving in Folsom, CA and have been there since 2011. They have 2 beautiful kids (one boy, one girl). Josh has been on staff at Lakeside Church the entire time they've lived in Folsom and is absolutely loving it. It's been an amazing fit for his family as well as his passions/gifts to serve at Lakeside and alongside the teams of people he works with. Karyss owns a handmade jewelry store called MY TRENDY TRAILER and recently opened up a retail storefront in Historic Folsom. Her business is not only a place to find great jewelry and accessories, but also a place for community engagement and connection.

Tiara Brumberg (BA '07) and husband Robby recently moved to Birmingham, Alabama with their two children, Emma and Rex. Tiara is to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant. She will complete her program in January of 2018.

Devan Bumstead (BA '07) has returned to California from Colorado to become the Associate Pastor at Newbury Park First Christian Church.

Michelle (BA '12) and Gabe (FS '07) Nedwek have returned to Corona, CA from Florida where Michelle was working at Walt Disney World as a Concierge. As of March 2021 Michelle is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Her kids are now 12, 9, and 6 and really enjoying school.

Stephen (BA '07, MA '11) and Marissa (BA '08) Pate celebrated five years of marriage. They are enjoying life and ministry in Southern California. Steve has been the youth pastor at Downey First Christian Church for over six years. Marissa has finished her second year as a fourth grade teacher at Eastside Christian School. Stephen and Marissa will lead a team to Kenya this summer with Tumaini International Ministries.

Natasha Rumsey (BS '07) received a Special Education Teaching Credential for students with mild-to-moderate disabilites. She is fulfilling a live long dream of owning her own educational learning center, offering tutoring services for students from preschool to college.

Sarah (Buck/BA '07) Wilson is working at Creative Learning Center in Los Altos, CA. She is an intern teacher at a non public school for children with Autism. Sarah received her education specialist credential in June 2011. In February 2011, Sarah married David Wilson, a youth pastor at a small Chinese church where they minister together.

Carol Adkisson (BS '06, MFT '08) started her private practice in 2014. Carol began a non profit called the trauma and healing foundation. She has the privilege of helping trainees graduate with their hours. They are helping their community with free groups and resources. This was her dream as a student, and now she is living that dream out.

Mary Bawden (MA '06) has been choreographing dance in church worship for over 15 years. She is currently teaching 6 choreography sessions to help churches anddance leaders set up biblically based programs for ministry settings. This material is being prayerfully translated into a book which Mary hopes to have ready for publication within the year.

Andrea (Buzzell/BA ' 06) Bowens received a Masters of Education in School Counseling from Liberty University in 2011. She is currently employed at Coastal Horizons in Wilmington, NC as a Parent Education Specialist. Her job is to implement and facilitate 2 parenting programs. One is entitled Strengthening Families and the other is Incredible Years. Andrea got married in 2013. She and her husband are the proud parents of an Australian Shepherd and a Dachschund.

Claudia Faison (MBA '06) has earned designation as a Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM') through the California Association of Community Managers (CACM').

Zena (Martin/BS '06) Fisher is working for the California Virtual Academy as a multiple subject K-8 teacher. Zena currently lives in Riverside, CA.

Jeremy Jernigan (BA '06) and Michelle Jernigan have three children, Gavin, Madsen, and Adelyn. Jeremy serves as the Executive Pastor of Creative Arts at Central Christian Church Arizona. Michelle owns and runs her own real estate company in addition to staying at home with the children. You can follow Jeremy on his blog at: Check out Jeremy's book, "Redeeming Pleasure: How the Pursuit of Pleasure Mirrors Our Hunger for God".

Erin McKinney (BA '06, MED '08) is teaching 4th grade at Brea-Olinda Christian Elementary school.

Diane Nichols (BS '06, MED '11) has adopted a son from Russia. Diane continues to be the Associate Director of Development at The Children's Clinic. Diane is currently living in Lakewood.

Jennifer Nosker Gebauer (BA '06) was the student speaker for the University of Southern California May 2010 graduation ceremony, where she received a graduate degree in social work. She was awarded three honors during the ceremony: Dean's Scholar, Phi Kappa Phi, and one of five student recognition awards.

Sandra Oravetz (MEd '06) works for two online universities. She is teaching Christian Studies at Grand Canyon University, and teaching prospective teachers and administrators at the University of Phoenix. She continues to provide consulting service for educational accreditation for Christian colleges.

Jessica (Mahan/BA '06) Perry is celebrating seven years as Pastor of Creative Arts at Valley Christian Church in Chino, CA. She and her husband, John, an attorney, were married by Jess' dad, Jay ('79), on October 17th, 2015. She recently launched her speaking and church consulting site (, and continues to give piano and voice lessons in the North Orange County area.

Andrew Phillips (BA '85, MBA '06) recently moved to Washington DC to work for the Federal Government. In 2015 he lost his wife of 28 years.

Ryan Reed (BA '06) recently completed a Master of Arts in Theology program at Fuller Theological Seminary. Ryan is the Youth Pastor at the Graham Campus of Rainier View Christian Church, WA.

Jessica (Baresel/BA '06) Ridgely and husband Elijah have lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand for the past 8 years with their three children, Paige, Asher, and Reese. Elijah owns Expat Auto Chiang Mai and Jessica teaches 5th grade at the Chiang Mai International School where their children attend.

Kayleen (Fream/BA '06) Santanello and husband Ryan are happy to announce the birth of their second child, daughter, Evangeline, on April 13, 2017. The Santanellos are currently living in Dallas, Texas.

Michael Barsamian (BA '05) has served as a Youth Pastor, the Area Director for Young Life in Chino Valley, a developer of Church Partnerships for Young Life Los Angeles and the RCA Far West Region. Mike owned and operated the Saturday Hay Sale (, and recently started Soflow Coaching and Development - "Developing good judgement to construct the best future."

Sara Benedetti (BA '05) is celebrating 2 years as Associate Pastor for Faith Formation at Second Presbyterian Church in Lexigton, KY.

Zach Gibson (BA '05) and wife Kristi welcomed Zachary Ryan Gibson January 17, 2017, the same day they celebrated their first Anniversary. Zach has been working for Leidos, a Fortune 500 Government Contractor, for 3 years. He recently accepted a promotion to become an Apple Endpoint Engineer, specializing in macOS Deployment and Support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in Woodlawn, MD.

David Gonzales (BS '05) is working in law enforcement as well as a Criminal Justice Instructor. He has returned to school to earn a doctorate. David attends Mosaic in Whittier.

Lindsey (Frechette/BA '05) Harden and Tim Harden have a three year old son, Alex. Lindsey ministers at The Refinery Christian Church in Goodyear, AZ, as the Women's Ministry Director.

Jamie Holguin (BS '05) went upon graduation to work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the Library, Archives and Records Section. Jamie then entered San Jose State's Library Information Science Program where she graduated in May 2010.

Joe Parla (M.Ed. '05) has been hired to serve as the new principal at Avaxat Elementary in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. Parla has been the Assistant Principal at Vail Elementary School in Temecula for two years and he has 15 years of teaching experience in Temecula Valley Unified, at the Pechanga School and at Trinity Lutheran Christian. Parla holds an administrative services credential and a multiple subject teaching credential.

Matthew (BA '05) and Joy (MA '07) Phelps is the Head Men's Soccer Coach at Chowan University in Murfreesboro, NC since 2009. His wife Joy (MA '07) is the Athletic Business Manager at Chowan University. Their daughter, Abigail, is now 2 and the Phelps' have a new baby daughter, Eden, born December 2010. Mat was able to travel to Israel and Egypt this past May.

Eric Powell (MA '05) and Andrea Powell are planting a new church in Helena, MT. Encounter Church is a small but growing church that seeks to 'Encounter God, Experience Community, and Engage Culture'. Their website is

Dave (BA '05) and Angela (Bichan/BA '06) Radford are going on their 11th year of marriage. In that time Dave and Angela have welcomed Paige (5) and Amelia (1) into the world. Both Dave and Angela work in education. Dave works for UC Davis as a high school college adviser and coaches volleyball at Shasta College. Angela works for the Spring Rivers Foundation preparing and hosting outdoor education field trips.

Michelle (Cuthill/BA '05) Rodriguez and her husband, Jorge, celebrated 10 years of marriage in December 2016. They have three children now, Carson (7), Ava (5), and Broden (2). They still live in Murrieta. Michelle now teaches in Perris at a K-8 school. After teaching PE at middle school for 10 years in San Marcos, she enjoys the change to teach PE at an elementary age level, where her own children attend.

Tim Schermitzler (MA '05) is currently serving as a Pastor in a church for the homeless, called "A Prodigal's Home" in Arizona. Tom also serves as a music therapist and chaplain for Legacy Hospice.

Jason (BA '05) and Elizabeth (Creech/BA '05) Shafer continue to serve in their favorite church, Southwest Church in Indian Wells, CA. After a recent senior pastor search, Jason is now in charge of the music for the entire church. Their first child, Weiland, will be 3 years old and the Shafers adopted their second child, Bellamy, who is 2 years old. They continue to be an active family, running in 5Ks and marathons as well as Jason continuing in cycling and triathlons. Elizabeth has been doing real estate over the last few years and their church has been featured as one of America's top 100 fastest growing churches by Outreach Magazine. The Shafer's are blessed to be a part of an amazing church and community in the Palm Springs area.

Anissa Villagomez (BS '05) returned to school and received a degree in Ed. Counseling and a PPS credential in December of 2010. Anissa is currently working at the college level as a Personnel Services Specialist while seeking school counseling positions.

Albert Wolfe (BA '05) announced the publication of his third book specifically written for teachers who are going to China to teach English: "Coach Them to Speak: A Practical Guidebook for College Oral English Teachers in China". Albert received his training to be an English teacher as a tent-maker. Married Eva Wu Lihua in November 2017. They live in Guangzhou, China where Albert is the principal of a bilingual kindergarten called The Discovery Center.

Janelle Amperse (BS '04) earned a business degree at HIU, where she says God did some amazing things in her life. In 2007, she switched careers and is currently teaching a 1st/2nd grade combination class in Compton, CA. She loves her job and praises God continually for helping her to see where her true passion lies.

Kathy (Lancaster/BS '04) Bourland is currently working as a preschool teacher at First Christian Church of Huntington Beach, CA.

Cynthia Brown (MED '04) moved to Tennessee with her husband, Jeff to be closer to her parents. Cynthia has taught both 5th and 2nd grades. The Brown's have three married sons, ages 32, 31, and 30, and 7 grandchildren.

William "Bill" Carmignani (BS '04) moved to Florida in 2002 with his family. In 2007, Bill began broadcasting the radio program "God Wants You Back" live on Sunday evenings. Bill is also the English speaking associate pastor with Bethel Vietnamese Church in Nokomis Florida. He and his wife are working with the Sr. Pastor to open up a home church here in Naples.

Laura Chandler (MA '04) was able to establish and become Director of Children's Ministries and Servant Development at the The Rock Community Church. She has authored correspondence courses on the Gospels for Women's Ministries and curriculum for the Old and New Testaments, as well as Spiritual Gifts and Serving. Laura and her husband Ralph celebrate 32 years of marriage and live in Newport Beach, CA, with their sons, Elijah (16), Jeremiah (13), and great-grandmother Kyoko (82). Their daughter lives in Chicago, IL, with her husband and 3 grandchildren.

Robin Felix (MFT '04) oversees a mental health program for infants and toddlers at a non-profit mental health agency in Los Angeles, CA. Robin has also been an adjunct assistant professor in Hope's MFT program since 2005.

Melodie Fox (BS '04) moved to Vermont in 2009 to pursue writing children's books. Melodie currently runs an after school program at a local preK-8th grade school. She also has her own business, Enthusiastic Books, which provides children's books and teaching materials for new and experienced educators. Melodie is currently working on anti-bullying materials for the classroom.

Kim (Eckes/MFT '04) Hahm and Barnabas Hahm proudly announce the birth of their first child, Lincoln, born on April 16, 2014. While Kim is an alumna, she is also an adjunct faculty for HIU in the College of Psychology and Counseling. The Hahms live in Irvine, CA.

Katie Hunter (BA '04) and Shawn (BA '01) Shawn is a high school teacher in Folsom and Katie is a school counselor in El Dorado Hills! The couple met at Hope in 2001, got married in 2005 and now have 3 beautiful children! Evan is 7, Andie is 6 and Ansley is 3. They lived in Fullerton and worked at Whittier Christian High School in La Habra until 2015 when they relocated to Northern CA. They love it and love raising their little family!

Jenni Ingram (BA '04) is the Youth Program Manager for Northern California Urban Development. She was the lead writer of a recently published curriculum called FutureProfits, designed to teach high school students in low-income areas about Life Economics. Jenni has served for the last 6 years with the high school group at Peninsula Covenant Church.

Billy Johnson (BA '04) and Miranda (Ronnerud/BA '07) Billy and Miranda announce the birth of their first child. Nathanael William Johnson was born on January 29, 2015 and has become the joy in their lives. The Johnson's live in Gardena, CA.

Jason Parks (BA '04) and Kristin Parks live in Colorado Springs, CO, where they attend St. Constantine and Helen Holy Theophany Orthodox Church.

Gabriella Van Breda (MA '04) recently completed her doctorate at George Fox University. She has done many years of research in the UK and says, "Nothing comes close to the wonderful Christian Universities I have attended here in the US."

Abigail "Abby" Van Wormer (BA '04) is now a Marketing Manager for Baker Publishing Group in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Baker Publishing Group publishes high-quality writings that represent historic Christianity and serve the diverse interests and concerns of evangelical readers. Abby has also written and illustrated her first children's book, "Scrappy's Search."

Sean Weaver (BA '04) and Caryn (Hannan/BA '05) Sean is a middle school teacher in Yuma for the past 18 years and also serves as an assistant Elementary Director for Children's Ministry at his home church of First Christian Church Yuma where he has served in that role for the past 8 years. He is married to his wonderful wife of 11 years, Caryn (BA '05) who he met at Hope. She currently is a stay at home mom, and also serves on the PTO of their children's school and is a member of the FCC Yuma choir and serves in the church nursery. They have 3 wonderful children, Liam, Lillian and Leandra who keep them both very busy.

Lesby Flores-Castro (BS '03, MFT '05) is currently serving as Division Manager for Youth System of Care in Fresno County DBH. Lesby is currently writing her dissertation for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

Jay Hewitt (BA '03) and Natalie (Harris/BA '02) announce the birth of their first child. Hero Renee Hewitt was born on January 28, 2015 weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 20 inches. Jay is the Campus Pastor at Friends Church in Orange and Natalie continues to teach at HIU.

Steve Jones (BS '03) is the pastor at Family Bible Church, La Habra. He is also working as a social worker for the County of Orange. Steve and his wife, Tricia, live in La Habra, CA.

Betty Odak (MFT '03) has been in private practice in Redlands, CA since 2012. Betty has worked with different organizations as a Clinician, Mental Health Therapist, and Social Worker. Betty wrote the book "Before, After, And Beyond Bankruptcy" then started a PhD program in 2009 for Industrial Organizational Psychology.

Nariman Rahmon (BS '03) started work as a teacher in public middle schools. Since then, she has pursued a career as a realtor and personal investor of real estate property and property management. She still continues to substitute teach and tutor students in grades K through 8th. She also offers a service of finding qualified staff referrals for private medical offices.

Rick Reyes (FS '03) is teaching English and coaching volleyball at Bradshaw Christian High School in Sacramento, CA. The Reyes' welcomed their first child in late May.

Deborah "Debbie" Vinall (BS '03, MFT '05) has released her 2nd book, the Trauma Recovery Workbook for Teens, on March 22, 2022. Her first book, Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide to Heal from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships was released May 4, 2021. You can find both books online everywhere books are sold. Deborah continues her busy private practice in Upland CA where she enjoys life with her husband and teenage son. She completed a Psychology Doctorate summa cum laude from California Southern University. She is the recipient of the 2016 Clinton E Phillips Scholarship from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists for community service, contributions to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy, and academic excellence.

Steve Carter (BA '02) is the Teaching Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. He recently published a book entitled, "This Invitational Life: Risking Yourself to Align with God's Heartbeat for Humanity".

Amy Dawson (BA '02) is living in beautiful British Columbia with her husband, Dave, and two beautiful step daughters, Kiera, age 11, and Siarah, age 8. Amy is working as a Business Development Consultant for a global Skincare company where she travels to various parts of the province helping business owners build their businesses. Dave works in Human Resources for the Federal Government.

Jennifer Diedrick (BS '02, MED '03) is living in Hanford, CA, where her husband is in the National Guard. Jennifer has two beautiful boys and is currently working as a substitute teacher.

Steve Graham (BA '02) planted a church called The Bridge in Central Florida last October. The church started as small community groups for those who didn't have a church home and continues to grow into a larger church body. For more information about Steve's ministry, visit the website at www.

Sharyn Guminiak (BA '02, MEd '05) continues to teach high school mathematics at San Jacinto High School. Her husband John cares for their daughter Selah in the morning, and Sharyn takes over in the afternoon when John teaches piano and drum lessons. The Guminiak's feel they have truly been blessed by God this year.

Norm Hamre (BA '02) is loving his work in the Jr. High ministry at Eastside Christian Church.

Heather (Pizza/BA '02) Hocking is living in San Juan Capistrano, CA with her husband and two children, Jesse (6) and Noah (2).

Ken Johnson (BA '02) and Tara Johnson proudly announce the birth of their first child, Hunter, born 8/26/14. He was 12.5 weeks premature weighing only 2lbs, 3 oz. Nearly 3 months later, he is a healthy 7 lb baby. The Johnson's live in Fresno, CA where Ken is in ministry.

Tad Johnson (BS '02) and Kimberly Johnson moved to Tennessee in 2002 to attend Emmanuel School of Religion. They have been ministering at Lone Oak Christian Church in Johnson City, TN since 2005. The Johnson's have two children, Abigail (5) and Aaron (3).

Anthony Morse (BA '02) is the host for the History Channel's flagship series, "Hidden Cities." As the host, Anthony takes viewers on exciting tours of Beijing and other exotic cities in Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Rebecca Schwarz (BS '02, MFT '04) opened her own private practice in Cerritos, CA in October, 2009. The Schwarz's now have 2 lovely daughters-in-law and 4 wonderfully delightful grandchildren. Becky is also celebrating 4 years of freedom from recurrence of breast cancer.

Marlene Soffera (BA '02) is employed as a full-time senior pastor, but also volunteers as a chaplain with the Milwaukee, WI Police Department under the auspices of the Salvation Army Wisconsin and Upper Michigan District. As chaplain, she responds to scenes of murder, suicide, accidental death, and the unexpected death of people of any age, in order to give comfort to the victim's family and friends. The police also call the chaplain force to be a "positive, prayerful, peaceful presence" at various community events and protest rallies. The Salvation Army honored various volunteers April 21 for service in 2020. Rev. Soffera was given the "2020 Chaplain of the Year" award for her work with the public throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.

John (BA '02) and Jennifer (Swearingen/BA '94) Toms currently live in Johnson City, TN. John is a Crime Analyst with the Johnson City Police Department. Jennifer received her M.ED in December 2014 from Milligan College. She is now certified to teach Kindergarten through 8th grade and is currently teaching at Cloudland High School as an 8th grade math teacher.

Rebecca (Plumb/BA '01) Briesacher and her husband Steven welcomed their first child, Aiden Ray, into the world on July 21, 2010.

Patricia Cetorelli (BA '01) When Patricia Cetorelli (BA '01) came to HIU, she met Caleb Fetui. They fell in love and after she graduated, they moved to Hawaii and married in 2004. The Fetui's have two children, Josiah (9) and Isabella (6). Caleb is a sales manager at Wyndham Vacation Ownership Inc. and Patricia works in the Fundraising Department at the Queen's Health Systems while pursuing a Master's degree in philanthropy and development.

Mike Goldsworthy (BA '01) serves as the Lead Pastor of Parkcrest Christian Church. Mike recently published "In God We Trust?: When the Kingdom of God and Politics".

Melanie Oliver (BS '01, M.Ed '05) was named one of four Riverside County Teachers of the Year for 2016. Oliver, who teaches a first/second grade combination class, was told that the assembly at Highland Elementary on Wednesday, June 3, was for a surprise visit by a television star. Oliver holds a master's degree in education and has been a full-time teacher for 12 years - all of those at Highland Elementary in the Corona-Norco Unified School District. She is a resident of Norco and is a mentor teacher at California Baptist University, California State University, Fullerton and the University of Redlands. The Riverside County Teachers of the Year are selected from nearly 20,000 educators in the county. The rigorous application process requires candidates to spend time reflecting on, and carefully defining, their teaching philosophy. The county teachers of the year are selected on the basis of nominations by teachers, principals, and school district administrators throughout the county.

Justin (BA '01) and Jen (Noga/BA '01) Powell moved to Barcelona, Spain in August of 2009 to continue their work as church planters with Christian Associates International. They live in the city center of Barcelona and hope to begin service initiatives (sports camps, English lessons, refugee service, etc.) and start a new community of faith among those they serve and live with.

Mark Reiswig (BA '01) his wife Kim, and their three daughters live in Glendale, AZ. In July 2019 he started a new role as a pastor at a 3 year old church plant in North Phoenix, CityView Church. His focus is leading discipleship, leadership development, systems and mission.

Kandace Savela (BS '01) obtained her M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, and was ordained with the Real Life Christian Church in Valencia, CA. She has relocated to Minneapolis, MN where she is currently a Chaplain for the Minnesota Masonic Elder Care Services. Kandace helps the residents of a 225 bed facility and their families in their final chapter of their lives.

Franchiska Garrett (BS '99, MBA '00) and Keith (BS '00) Keith is a Pastor at a church in San Jacinto, CA.

Deanna (Durazzo/BM '00, MEd '02, TC '02) Jasper and Eric Jasper welcomed the birth of their 4th child, Nicholas, last September. He is a wonderful addition to their houseful of joy with Ian (6), Elijah (4) and Arianna (2).

Ashton Maxfield (AA '00) has led international PR campaigns for some of the action sports industries' most prominent brands including Red Bull, etnies, ThirtyTwo, DC Shoes, Element and many more. Ashton will share how Master Plan Communications, the premiere PR agency in the action sports and material handling industries, created a PR campaign for DC Shoes that garnered more than six billion impressions worldwide and 1,164 media placements. DC's "Pipe Dream" and its accompanying "Behind the Dream: The Making of Robbie Maddison's 'Pipe Dream'" three-part series featuring the first person to surf across the ocean on a motorbike was picked up by CNN, BBC, Wired and countless other media outlets around the world.

Marie McIvor (BS '00) is honored to be the mother of Julian C. McIvor, age 27. God bestowed this child with every known Gift possible. His goal is to be successful doing what brings him joy. He decided in 7th grade he plans to buy an Island, and Marie has no doubt that he will. Marie worked at the Harry & Grace Steele Children's Center at Orange Coast College for several years. She currently works from home and lives with her Shih Tzu.

Christina Presley (BA '00) and Chad Tucker (BA '01) are proud parents of Autumn (8) and Mark (3). Christina enjoys being a stay at home mom. Chad finished his M.A. of Divinty from Brite Divinity School and also received his PhD in Biblical Interpretation. Chad is ordained as a Presbyterian Minister. The Presley's love Ft. Worth and the ministry they have been involved in.

Jonathan Rasmussen (BA '00) taught for a couple of years before joining the USAF where he served four years during Freedom Iraq Operation. After that, Jon was sent by a local church to Assam, India for missionary work, training local pastors and evangelists. Jon has been married to Ashlyn for seven years after they met in India. The Rasmussens moved back to northern California in 2009 and have two daughters, Grace (3), and Adalai (2). Jon is currently working in part time ministry while he is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree (2015) from Western Seminary in Rocklin, CA.

Russell Stevens (MA '00) was awarded his PhD in Business Management in August of 2016. He teaches online for HIU, Geneva College, and on a contract basis for a number of small Christian colleges and universities. He and his wife, Kathy, live in Salisbury, NC.

Josh Wenig (BM '00) is the Worship Minister at Chino Valley Community Church in Chino Hills, CA. He and his wife, Jess, have a 2 year old son named Britain.


Mark Campbell (BA '99) is teaching in Arizona. Mark teaches high school and coaches soccer.

Tu Chung (FS '99) has developed his own business in Business Investment. Tu would like to connect with his old friends from PCC/HIU dorms from 1998-1999, [email protected]

Christian Farago (BA '99) currently lives in Kelowna, British Columbia, where he married his wife, Carolyn, in July 2005. They have a daughter, Bria Christianna, born June 30, 2010. Christian is a Controller for a property management/construction company.

Shawn Farrens (BA '99) accepted the position in July 2015 of Superintendent/Principal of Silvies River Charter School, a K-12 Virtual Charter School in Oregon.

Amber (BA '99, MEd '03) and Tim (BA '99) Gooszen Tim was named (SID) Sports Information Director of the Year by the (GSAC) Golden State Athletic Conference and has also added Assistant Athletic Director to his title at Arizona Christian University in Glendale, Arizona. Amber just finished her first year in her new position as a Speech and Language Pathology Assistant in public school in Glendale as well.

Graham "Jed" (BA '99) and Renee (BA '99) Gourley returned to Bishkek, Kyrgyzsatan and then on to Tbilisi, Georgia last August after being on furlough in the states, where their fifth child, Isaiah was born. They ask for your prayers as they assimilate into a new cultural and begin to plant churches.

Joy Gragg (BS '99) is a teacher at New Braunfels Christian Academy in New Braunfels, Texas.

Richard Knofsky (BS '99, MA '02) started a new role as an executive pastor in September, 2010 overseeing a staff of eight. Richard celebrates 14 years of marriage to his wife Carrie. The couple is blessed with three children.

Erica (Love/BA '99) McNeal has battled cancer three times, experienced the death of a child, and a failed adoption. She is in the process of finalizing her book, Finding God's Fingerprints. She challenges people to look at their circumstances as ministry opportunities to bring others into a relationship with God. Her blog can be found at: http://findinggodsfingerprints.

Diana Miller (AA '99) is raising her 2 amazing boys Chris 16 and Camden 8 in Phoenix, Arizona where she is a middle school teacher. Soon Diana will be starting her 2nd Masters Degree in Educational Leadership at Grand Canyon University so she can get her Administrator's Certificate. She is actively involved at Central Christian, and serves in the Women's Ministry as the Coordinator for the campus in Ahwatukee.

Michelle Simmer (MF '99) graduated in 1999 from the MFCC program. Within a few months of graduating, Michelle was offered a positon as a Foster Family Agency Social Worker at ChildNet Youth and Family Services. Within the same year, ChildNet received a contract from the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health. She applied for a Clinician positon and was hired immediately. Michelle continued was a Clinician for the next 17 years at ChildNet. She served as a Site Coordinator and became a vital part of the school mental health program and SunBurst program for youth. Michelle became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in 2010. She continued to mentor colleagues new to the agency. Her life made a drastic change at the end of July, 2017. She gave notice at her job, and moved to Rio Vista, CA. Her elderly mother lives in Rio Vista and God was telling her to be near her. Michelle began working as the Director of Services, at Community Action North Bay on 12/04/2018. The organization serves the homeless population and Veterans. She is blessed to now have a job, and can look after her mother and be part of a church following God!

Loren Bass (BA '98) and Carly Bass live in Carpinteria, CA, where he is a firefighter.

Lance Brooks (BA '98) recently made Partner at the Law Firm of Smith Freed & Eberhard in Portland, OR. Lance is married to his wife,Visnja, and they have two children, Aleks and Lachlan.

Randy (BA '98, MA '01) and Faye (BA '04) Crane announce the birth of the first child, Adara Crane born on April 2, 2015. The Crane's live in Santa Ana, CA

Galen Howard (TC '98, MED '99) is teaching multi-challenged 17-22 year old young adults in the North Orange County SELPA program located on the West Esperanza High School campus in Anaheim, CA. Students come from Brea, Fullerton, Anaheim, Placentia and Yorba Linda, CA.

Lori Morrison (BA '98) and Ryan (FS '98) are now a family of 5, having welcomed an adult daughter to our home. Their journey in camp ministry continues, and in May they uprooted their native Californian selves (they've never lived north of Bakersfield in their entire lives) and moved to Texas, where Ryan accepted a position as Special Projects Lead at Camp Eagle in the beautiful Hill Country. They are thankful beyond words for this new community that we've become part of and look forward to many years serving here. After 8 years of primarily being a stay-at-home mom and consultant, Lori was offered and accepted a position with CYT (Christian Youth Theater) on their National Team as the first Development Lead (Director). The role is part-time and remote, allowing for flexibility to continue homeschooling and participating in the community life of being in camp ministry. Their younger two are now 14 and 11 and bring them a great deal of joy.

James "Ron" Shoemaker (BS '98) has moved with his family to Fresno, CA, after experiencing cut backs as a Special Education Teacher in Hesperia.

Paul Taylor (BA '98) began serving as Senior Pastor at Montebello Christian Fellowship, in October of 2010. Paul is excited to see what the Lord is doing and will do in the Southern California communities of Montebello and East Los Angeles.

Deborah Fellows (BA '97) and Matthew Fellows have been married for 13 years and have two children, Andrew (5) and Melissa (3). The Fellows' attend Knott Avenue Christian Church. Deborah completed her teaching credential at CSULB and will begin her Masters in Educational Leadership. Deborah is the administrator at Opportunities for Learning Public Charter Schools.

Chris Jensen (BA '97) graduated with a Master's degree in Counseling and is working with Veterans helping them to adjust after combat and the military. His wife, Teresa is a 6th grade teacher at a Christian school. The Jensens live in Manhattan, KS.

Amanda St. Clair (AA '97) is a single mom of three children. Amanda continues to be a SPED teacher at a Title 1 school in Lubbock, TX.

Israel Castillo (BA '96, MFT '98) works as an external consultant for the Mexican and American Goverments developing strategies for the psychological treatment of human trafficing victims as part of the USAID initiative. Israel, his wife, Barbara, and daughter, Anna, live in Mexico City.

Troy Dean (MA '96) has recently become the Campus Pastor/Assistant Professor in the School of Christian Ministry at Northwest Christian University at Eugene, OR. Troy has been a lead pastor of two church plants: University Praise in Southern California, and One Life Christian Church in Northern California. Troy and Dawn have been married for 17 years and have three boys, Tanner (13), Dakota (11) and Chase (10).

Jason (BA '96) and Shawna (Fraley/BA '97) Seeger have been married for 17 years. They have 4 children, Preston (13), Peyton (11), Paige (10) and Paisley (9 mos). Jason has worked for the AZ State Police, Department of Public Safety for 10 years. Shawna worked for CCV in Peoria, AZ, prior to staying at home and taking care of the family.

Donald Crane (AA '95) is the minister at Howard Christian Church. He and his wife, Karen, have been serving there since 2013. Don completed an MA degree in 2017. The following year, 2018, he joined the faculty at Lock Haven University in the Department of Communication where he teaches Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Introduction to Communication. Don completed a Post-Bacculorrete Certificate in Social Media Marketing from Cabrini University and started a Ph.D. in Post-Secondary Adult Education. His hope and desire is to teach Higher Ed Social Media Communication along with public speaking.

Linh Doan (BA '95) serves as the 5th President of Union University of California ( He is also the Senior Pastor of Thanh Le Bapist Church ( for the foreseeable future.

Robert Richey (BS '95) retired in 2010 from United States Gypsum. Robert is currently waiting for a kidney transplant due to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam while in the Navy.

Lynnel Bryson-Davis (BA '94) has been married to her husband, Reid, for 16 years. They have two boys, Logan (11) and Peyton (9). Lynnel teaches 8th grade History and Government. She is also the choral director at Clifton Middle School in Monrovia, CA.

Byron Burns (BA '94) while attending HIU served in the Naval Reserve for 5 years on the USS George Phillips. He has 25 years of Music and Worship ministry experience serving mostly at large churches of 1,200 or more. Byron has also performed with numerous musicians, worship leaders, and groups, such as Larnelle Harris, Sandi Patty, Paul Baloche, Tommy Walker, Maranatha Music, Promise Keepers, Continentals, and Ekklesia. Byron and his wife Brenda have been married for 23 wonderful years and have two beautifully talented daughters, Anya and Alexis. He is currently serving as the full-time Worship Pastor at The in Akron, OH, and partners with a non-profit ministry called FishBowl Ministries.

Keith Corum (MA '94) retired on June 30, 2013 after serving Willows Christian Church in Willow, CA for 37 years. Keith and Judy will continue to make Willows their home. Judy continues to work as the HR Director for the Glenn County Office of Education and Keith looks forward to being available for interim ministries.

Karen (Bell/BA '94) Green and Matthew have been married for almost 20 years. They have 4 sons: Wyatt 15, Ethan 14, Trent 13, & Zachariah 8. Karen and Matthew co- pastor Twin Lakes Foursquare Church in Osage City, Kansas. Karen serves as the State Coordinator for the District in the area of family care for their pastor's wives. Matthew & Karen also serve as Divisional superintendents in Northeast Kansas pastoring the pastors of 5 churches and a church plant. Loving life!

Adrienne (Bishop/BA '94) Malmberg has relocated to Springtown/ Ft. Worth area in June where her husband, Keith has started a new career as a heavy steel estimator. Adrienne, Keith and their children, Scotty (12) and Jane (10) are excited for the new opportunity that God has paved for them, though sad to leave family, friends and their church in the Seattle area.

Stephen Burger (BA '93) has served as a senior pastor, youth pastor, Christian education director and associate pastor, on staff at a Christian counseling ministry, as well as planting two churches. Stephen and Tammie Burger serve at Commision to Every Nation (CTEN) providing emotional and spiritual support to missionaries and their families in Central America. Stephen also teaches online for Wayland Baptist University for the masters in counseling classes.

Randy Dawkins (MA '93) served at Community Christian Church in Hemet, CA until October 2001. Randy then moved to Florida to serve at First Northside Christian Church, and then at First Christian Church of Cape Coral as Creative Arts Pastor, where he continues to serve. Two of his children still live at home. The Dawkins' have 5 grand children.

Bob Johnson (BA '93) is the Executive Pastor at Oregon City Christian Church in Oregon City, OR. Bob and his wife Stephanie live in Canby, OR.

Charles "Chuck" Wigton (MA '93) is a guest pastor at Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, ID. He is also the owner and voiceover talent for

Adam Young (BA '93) moved with his family to Colorado to help plant a church in 2008. They returned to Ohio in 2009 where Adam became the worship minister at Miamisburg Christian Church, a growing church of 650. He also recently helped form a Love146 task force with 30 other people to help fight human trafficking. Adam and his wife Debby have one daughter, Noelle, who is 7 years old.

Curtis (BA '92) and Jennifer (Scates/BA '93) Batchelder have been married for 18 wonderful years and have three children, Katie (15), Elijah (11), and Noah (8). They are blessed to work with the children at Rochester Christian Church in Illinois.

Tammy (Gallegos/ BA '92) Daughtry is a Zondervan/HarperCollins author and also created a digital curriculum to expand from the initial book. The book is titled, "Co-parenting Works! Helping Your Children Thrive after Divorce" and has been featured on Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Radio and over 50 other media outlets advocating for healthy parenting after divorce and remarriage. Tammy and her husband Jay also produced the "One Heart, Two Homes" digital curriculum to help parents and leaders around the globe who care about kids impacted by divided homes. Tammy and Jay and now train pastors, therapists, military chaplains, social workers and even pregnancy center directors on how to implement the One Heart, Two Homes resource into their communities. They are training 17 chaplains from around the world during a special event at Fort Hood Army Base Aug 23-24, 2018. If anyone is interested in hosting a training or learning more about how they can help kids and parents impacted by divorce and remarriage, please contact Tammy: 615.294.9989 or [email protected].

Chris (BA '92, MA '08) and Heather (McElhaney/BA '92) Delfs moved to Elk Grove, CA 12 years ago to plant LifePointe Christian Church where Chris continues to serve as Senior Pastor. Heather is in a teaching credential program after being a stay home mom to their three children: Cobie (16), Cameron (14) and Cali (8).

Graydon Jessup (MA '92) is the interim pastor at Boulder Valley Christian Church in Boulder, CO. He continues to serve as a coordinator/ connector for THE JONATHAN PROJECT, a ministry designed to train "global Jonathans" how to plant multiplying churches among the least reached people groups. In the process, Graydon has developed HEART AND SOUL90, a ministry of prayer and financial support for the church planters.

Kristen (Kemp/BA '92) Lunsford is a stay at home mom while husband Matt continues to work for Intel. The Lunsford's are in their second year of home schooling daughter Ella (7) and hope to continue home schooling with Olivia (3 1/2) and Jack (2). Kirsten and Matt recently became certified to adopt and are waiting for God to bring them the perfect baby and birth family.

Tracie Ward (BA '92) is finding her ministry to be right in her own home. After caring for her grandmother for 10 years, who passed away on New Year's Eve, Tracie now cares for her blind mother. She feels fulfillment in being able to give back to the women who did so much for her.

Marie Eletise (BA '91, MA '93) is on staff at Kaimuki Christian Church in Honolulu, HI as the Children's Pastor. Her husband, Nofaoiga, is an associate pastor in charge of men's ministry. They are both members of South Seas Christian Ministries, traveling often. Their two children Keilani (15) and Michael (13) are loving life and spending all their free time playing volleyball and football. They feel blessed with the opportunity to minister in and throughout the South Pacific.

Steve Hampton (BA '91) and Nancy Hampton live in the Seattle, WA area, where Steve ministered in a variety of churches and ministries. Currently they lead a group of believers called The Circle of Worship. Together, the Hampton's own and operate several successful businesses including a jewelry business called Hummingbird Creations, and an event production company called Pyramid Staging & Events. They have 10 grandchildren. Steve continues to write worship songs and has authored several books that are awaiting publication.

Jeff (BA '91) and Jodi (Moore/BA '91) Harris live in Fremont, CA with their three boys (12, 10, & 2). Jeff is a pastor at Inroads Church that the Harris' planted 10 years ago. "God has been doing amazing things through our little church".

Isaac (BA '91) and Elizabeth (Wakio/BA '92) Methu are involved with establishing Kingdom Interdenominational Community Church in San Bernardino, CA. The Methu's travel to Kenya every two years with the US Church of Christ Connect with Africa.

Robbie Phillips (BA '91) recently became Associate Professor of Preaching at Mid-Atlantic Christian University in Elizabeth City, NC. Leanne (Haan/BA '93) teaches at OakTree Academy in Virginia Beach. Robbie and Leanne have been married 19 years and have 3 children, Carter (15), Will (10) & Maggie (7).

Todd Randall (BA '91) and Sarah (Brazier/BA '93) have adopted a sibling set of 2 and another sibling set of 4, bringing the Randall Crew of kids to a total of 11. The Randalls also began their 15th year of homeschooling.

Daun Slauson (FS '91) is currently a missionary in Australia.

Forrest (FS '90) and Carrie (Bailey/FS '95) Fowler have moved up to Eugene Oregon with their 2 year old son, Silas. Forrest is the Northwest Regional Rep for Amor Ministries and Carrie is the district operations coordinator for H&R Block. Forrest has been with Amor for 23 years.

Ethan Halliday (BA '90) and Tiffany (BA '91) Living in the greater Los Angeles Area. The Hallidays have three awesome adult kids.

Robert "Dean" (BA '90) and Leslie (Jewett/BA '91) Kuest planted Pathways Church in Mill Creek, WA in 2005. They have five boys, Kyle (18), Joshua (16), Andrew (12), Brett (11), and Jamie (6).

Elizabeth (Watkins/BA '90) Kumbera recently moved with her family to Clearwater, FL. This spring they launched Swiftsure, a real estate franchise focusing on the multi-family marketplace.

John Vandenberg (BA '90) currently teaches in a very small school in Rowland Heights, CA, at Pacific Rim Language Institute, and at Aims Academy in Walnut, CA. John is married to Rachne Pumarachai. They have two children Miles (5) and Eunice (3). Rachne's son, Chati (20) came to the US from Thailand in 2009. John enjoys spending a lot of time with family, going to the park, swimming, or going to the beach or snow. John still enjoys soccer, running, and chess in his free time.


David Clairns (BA '89) became a real estate professional in January 2011. David still continues to serve at a local church as a lay pastor teaching in the men's and adult Sunday school ministry, plus photography and videography. You can find David on Facebook at

(Ernest) Jay (BA '89, MA '00) and Kathleen (Poseley/AA '89, BA '91) Jones currently live just outside of Savannah, GA where Jay serves at Savannah Christian Church as the Adult Ministries Pastor/Department Head. The Jones' have two children, Bailey (18), and Mitchell (15). Kathy is currently a stay at home mom and faithfully serves at the church.

Wendy Vallier (FS '89) Attended under the GI bill, transferred to Cal State Fullerton. Teacher in Garden Grove School District for 20 years. Has two cherished daughters aged 26 and 24.

Robbins Greg (BA '88) and Julie () Greg is working with children and families through his local church ministry alongside the Church Preschool/Kindergarten and Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts. He is married to Julie, a Lutheran teacher at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Riverside. The Robbins have an adopted son Luke(age 11), daughter Alyssa (age 34) with granddaughter Gianna (age 9) and son Kyle (age 31) with grandson Logan (age 4) & granddaughter Lulu (age 2).

Cheryl (Crockett/BA '88) Harris and Harlan have been married since 1988 and have 2 daughters: Cheylan is in her Junior year at Western Washington University studying business, and Taryn is a Freshman at Oregon State University studying Marine Biology. Living in the Seattle, WA area, Harlan has been at Microsoft as a Program Manager for 17 years and has served at their local church as part time Worship Leader. Cheryl was published about 10 years ago, a Christian Development study on the life of Moses entitled "Living Beyond the Frame" and recently completed licensing as a Foursquare Pastor. She often is called upon to speak at conferences and retreats, both domestically and internationally.

Marco Sassoon (BA '88) is serving as Sr Pastor at Westwood Hills Christian Church, seeing God do incredible things as lives are being changed. Looking for ministry closer to home though. His daughter, Noel, is graduating from Western Christian HS next month and will be starting at Biola this Fall (sorry, HIU!)

Steve Whalen (BA '88) and LaDonna Whalen have been married for 26 years. They have two children, son William and daughter Lisette, a former student at Hope. Steve is pastoring at New Horizon Christian Church in Monroe, WA. He is also a freelance writer with a blog at http://

Donna (Volz/BA '87) Burns is married to Rob Burns. They have 8 children - 3 biological and 5 adopted. Donna is currently earning her elementary teaching credential as she home schools her children. She is also an interpreter for the deaf at church.

David Butler (BA '87) is the Site Administrator at the Community Action Partnership of Kern Family Health Center in Bakersfield, CA. David and his wife are very active in their church, First Congregational Church, UCC. The Butler's are in the process of adopting their first child. They enjoy spending time with their family and like to get away to the coast when they have time.

David Sill (BA '87) married Jackie McElroy on December 31, 1987. They have 3 children: Emily [married to Josh Richards], Austin [married to Carissa] and Adam. They just became grandparents to Isla Christine Richards. Dave's first 18 years of ministry he served as Student/ Young Adult and Young Marrieds Pastor positions at Central Christian Church in Lancaster, Eastside Christian Church in Fullerton and Knott Ave Christian Church in Anaheim and Christ Church of the Valley in San Dimas as the Pastor of Spiritual Formation for the past eight years.

Jon Taylor (BA '87) and June (BA '86) Jon is now Executive Director of Coaching Mission International, an organization that equips missions leaders through leadership coaching and coach training. He left a position at First Christian Church in Phoenix after being on staff for 17 years. June is Manager of Budget, Audit and Financial Analysis at Christian Care, a network of senior living communities in Arizona. They have lived in Phoenix for 18 years.

Greg Tucker (MA '87) has been Pastor at Maple Grove Christian Church in Bloomington, IN since 2000. He also teaches at Indiana Wesleyan University. Greg and Tammy have been married for 23 years and have three children, Tyler (22), Austin (21) and Brittany (16).

Karen (Roady/FS '86) Bohls have successfully raised three children: Matthew (24) is married and owns a laser calibration company, Michael (22) is a chef, and Melissa (21) is a junior at Baylor University studying Special Education- Elementary. Jon is in his 8th year of owning Advanced Precision and Karen is still teaching pre kindergarten at Scottsdale Christian Academy.

Dawn Brechtel (FS '86) has been happily married for 25 years and has a 24-year-old son named Eric with whom they are very proud of! He is their greatest achievement! Dawn had thyroid cancer 8 years ago & has not truly been able to resume her love of singing, but knows that God has a master plan in ALL things and so, she will trust His perfect will & timing.

Brian (BA '86) and Michelle (Everett/BA '90) Foster have three children Molly (20), Hannah (16) and Caleb (15) and are also hosting six foreign exchange students. Michelle works for International Student Exchange, placing and supervising foreign exchange students and supervising other reps for the State of Colorado. Michelle also assists in Brian's chiropractic practice - Foster Health & Wellness Center in Longmont, CO.

Riley Harper (MA '86) established the 'Christ Behind The Wall' prison ministry ten years ago. While Riley teaches four classes a week, his present emphasis is to seek and train volunteers to teach classes throughout the California Penal System. He and his wife have a blended family of 3 boys and 1 daughter. A few years ago, they adopted a family of four girls who are now moving into their teenage years.

Ken LaMont (BA '86) serves as lead pastor of Newbury Park First Christian Church, where he has been on staff for 23 years. Brenda (Brower/ AA '87) is the Director of Christian Preschool of Thousand Oaks. Their oldest daughter, Breann, was married in July 2010 and their daughter, Hillary, is a sophomore at HIU. Their daughter Shelby is a high school senior, and their youngest, Hanna, is in 8th grade.

Dustin Parker (FS '86) In 2018, Dustin celebrated his 10th anniversary as the Senior Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Cerritos, Ca. At the recent Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Pastor Parker was elected for a second term as a Regional Vice-President. The District contains nearly 300 churches and 150 schools. He still serves as Senior Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, and is presently writing his Ph.D. dissertation at Liberty University. Dustin and his wife will celebrate 30 years of marriage this summer and have a 12-year-old son.

Jim Swaney (BA '86, MA '88) is the Community Life Pastor at Eastside Christian Church. He is an avid reader and plays sports. He loves mission trips, evangelizing, and teaching God's Word. Lisa (Dye/BA '84) is the Asst. Principal at Eastside Christian Elementary School in Fullerton, CA. She is active in ministry with Jim at Eastside, with young married couples and teaching God's word in women's ministry. Jim and Lisa have two grown children: Christina Swaney Olson, who is an HIU grad (BA, 2009); and Tyler Swaney, who attended Azusa Pacific University (BA, 2012).

Greg Curtis (BA '85) joined the staff team in 1985 that planted Community Christian Church of Yorba Linda, a church plant out of Eastside Christian Church, where he met his wife Michelle (Benson/FS '86). They married in 1986 and began leading worship as a team. Greg was ordained in 1987 by Eastside Christian Church. He became the Senior Pastor of Community Christian Church in 1995 transitioning the church to a purpose-driven model of ministry. Greg's passion is to reach the growing de-churched population in America and to enjoy his family that now includes Chase (20), Kendra (16) and Carly (14).

Tim Neuenschwander (MA '85) and Beth Neuenschwander have moved to the Albuquerque, NM area where Tim is the Worship Minister at First Christian Church. The Neuenschwander's have two daughters, Tabitha, who lives in Albuquerque,NM and Megan who lives in Cincinnati, OH.

Andrew Phillips (BA '85, MBA '06) is working for the Department of Defense in Washing DC as a Lean Six Sigma specialist. Andrew lives near his two daughters Monica and Hannah, both live in the DC area.

McKinney Chris (BA '84, MA '86) and Carole (Gregory/BA '83, MFT '12) McKinney Chris was recently named Vice President of Operations at Dynamic Church Planting International's global headquarters in Oceanside, CA. Chris and Carole served as church planting missionaries in the Philippines for 24 years before moving to DCPI in 2010.

David Crouse (MA '84) is currently working as the Executive Director for Angeles Crest Christian Camp. Dave is passionate about leading children and youth to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Keith Poletiek (FS '84) works as the Marketing Director for Angeles Crest Christian Camp. Keith performs live comedy and motivational talks to church groups, camps, conferences and schools through his KeithLIVE ministry. He is also an author and illustrator for The Adventures of Johnny Lazarus book series (

Anthony "Tony" Allmoslecher (BA '83) is the pastor at Fairview Christian Church of Carthage in Carthage, MO. Tony and Minette (Marcellin/ FS '81) have been blessed through the years with six children.

Glen Copple (MA '83) moved from Torrance, CA to Lakeland, FL in September 2009. Glen continues to promote the Getting To Know Jesus bible study ministry and working to help Dr. Richard Geringswald start Northside Lakeland Christian Church in North Lakeland, FL.

Brad Dupray (BA '83) celebrated his 30th anniversary at CDF Capital on February 20, 2019. Brad is a Timothy of Knott Avenue Christian Church and began his career with CDF in 1989. He has been instrumental in providing financing and investment opportunities to HIU on many occasions.

Tom Epperly (BA '83) and Kristen () Living in Ashland, KY. Married with four daughters (September, Sarah, Courtney, and Haley). Staying very busy with life.

Dean (BA '83) and Gayle (Wonocott/FS '85) McAleese live in St. Louis, MO. After a church closing where Dean was the associate pastor, he started his own handyman business. He looks forward to returning to full time ministry. Gayle continues to work a local bank in Missouri.

John Roberts (BS '83) and Sheree' (Sumrall/BS '73, MA '76) After graduation from HIU, John continued with University of La Verne and completed all course work for his Doctorate of Public Administration at the University of La Verne (ABD). John retired in July 2016 after 42 1/2 years of public service; the last 26 years with Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, holding various mid-level and senior operations executive positions in Transportation and Maintenance. John also taught classes for seven years at HIU as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration. Sheree' retired in 2010 after teaching preschool, at First Christian Church, Huntington Beach, for over 36 years. John and Sheree' attended Knott Avenue Christian Church for over 30 years, John serving in various capacities including Elder and Chairman of the General Board and Sheree' teaching preschool and on the worship team. They have attended Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim for the last 17 years with several other family members. John and Sheree' have been married for 43 years and they have three adult children with six grandchildren.

Dean "DH" Shearer (MA '83) has recently authored Neighbors and Ne'er-Do-Wells: Two Parables of Amazing Love as Told by Jesus. Dean offers a fresh look at the Parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, it is available at DH serves as the senior pastor at Turner Christian Church, Turner, OR.

Becky (Wasson/BA '82) Arthur works in Children's Ministry with Harvester Christian Church in St. Charles, MO. She is also a contributor to the new book "Collaborate - Church + Family".

Stephen (BA '82) and Deborah (Brown/BA '81) Bixler have been married for 28 years and have been serving together in Indonesia for 9 years. The Bixler's have four adult children, with one married, all living in California. Steve and Debbie reach out to the majority faith in Indonesia in grace and truth. Debbie has just started to help restore Indonesians who have been caught in human trafficking in Indonesia.

Denise Byrd (BA '82) has been an educator for 25 years. She has taught from pre-school to college age. She was able to teach in Ireland for a year while living in a castle.

Bob Carter (BA '82) and Amy Carter have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 36 years, and during that time Bob has lived in or worked with translation projects from 19 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific and the Americas. Bob led the effort to translate the Old Testament into Pijin, the national language of Solomon Islands, along with a revision of the previously published New Testament. In 2008, the Solomon Islands Pijin Bible was dedicated. Bob is a Senior Translation Consultant training translators and consultants-in-training and helping teams working on Old Testament translations. He has helped to train people from 27 different countries. Bob and Amy have five children, all of whom are serving the Lord in ways that are pleasing to Him, wonderful kids-in-law to go with them, and nine grandchild

Loralee (Montgomery/BA '80) Boe has been married 35 years to David Paul Boe. They have two incredible adult children, Taylor and Chelsea. Loralee has retired from full time Children's Ministry and now teaches part time (3 classes of Bible to 7th graders at a wonderful school).

Teresa Krager (BA '80) After 27 years of teaching mostly kindergarten and first grade in the Phoenix area, Teresa began the journey of becoming a picture book author. (Thank you Cora Alley for your wonderful instruction all those many years ago!) In July 2020, Teresa's debut book was released. Before Your Birth Day is a celebration of life in the womb. Graced with delicate illustrations of pre-born babies, this picture book traces the miraculous milestones of development in lyrical rhyme as each precious child is wonderfully woven by God. It is a perfect gift for the mom-to-be and a must-have read-aloud for youngsters, especially for those with a sibling on the way. This honest and amusing account, with illustrations of multi-cultural families, is a treasure that affirms the value of life, no matter how small. Available on Amazon at Teresa released July 2021, ADAM PLUS ONE, a rhyming romp of Scripture and smiles as Adam's search for a compatible companion leads him beyond scales, fur, and feathers, back into the hands of his more-than-capable Creator. A fun picture book for 3 to 8-year-olds. Check out her author website: and/or sign up for my weekly blog devotional at


William Cornell (MS '79) After practicing Law for 32 years, William Cornell (MS '79) returned to medical school and completed a M.D. degree. William wants to practice tropical medicine in developing countries. He left for Nigeria in August 2015 to begin this journey. William Cornell (MS '79) has returned from Nigeria where he attended clinics, visited hospitals and met with government officials to set up a scholarship program that will pay for 40 Nigerian medical students to attend medical school. He expects this to be approved in 2015.

Jim Davis (BA '79) and Crystal (Lochmiller/FS '82) after long teaching careers, have both finally retired. Jim taught for 23 years in History and Photography at middle schools in Murrieta, CA, while Crystal taught geometry at Temecula Valley High School for 30 years. Jim hopes to continue winning awards as a photographer, as well as writing both Christian and secular music, while Crystal, continuing to stay connected to the field of mathematics is now the editor-in-chief of the California Mathematics Council�s quarterly magazine �The CoMuniCator.� They are both members of an old-west re-eneactment group, the Old Town Temecula Gunfighters. You can see them on the group�s website and on their Facebook page. They have been active in churches all over Southern California. Jim is currently a worship leader, elder, and part-time pastor at Anthology Church in Menifee. Crystal oversees their video projection and on-line church ministries. They have two sons and three grandchildren, and have resided in Murrieta, CA for nearly 30 years.

Donna Libby (BA '79) and her husband, Jim, have spent the past two school years volunteer teaching in a mission school in the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky. Jim retired after 35 years in education in Klamath Falls, Oregon in June 2012, then they began their service at Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky in August, 2012. The Libbys have three grown children: David, Steven, and Karen, and a wonderful 2 year old granddaughter named Lucy.

Jay Mahan (BA '79) is serving La Mirada Christian Church as Interim Minister beginning. Jay is the founder of EMProfit Group, a payroll and benefits administrator catering to blue-collar employers. Jay has been married to Karen for over 30 years. Their daughter Jessica graduated from HIU in 2006.

Deborah Mauldin (BA '79) has traveled through most of the USA. She now works for a small church in El Monte, CA in the Children's ministry. When she left PCC, Deborah had a desire to teach and it took 20 years to finally get there. Presently she is teaching Special Ed High School Science. Deborah has served on many committees at her high school and has a special spot in her heart for special needs students.

Robin Miller (FS '79) continues to live the small town, country life in Cascade Idaho, where she plays piano and sings at Cascade Baptist Church. Robin's husband, Rodney Miller, of 34 years passed away in 2013. He was the youngest living ex-Dodger player, signing at the age of 17 in 1957.

Lynn Taylor (MA '79) is the Lead Pastor for the West Side Christian Church in Wichita, KS. He has had previous ministries in Oregon, New Mexico, and California. Lynn and Jan have three adult children all in the medical profession and six grandchildren.

Debra "Debbie" Franklin (BA '78) is using her degree in CE from HIU at Anaheim First Christian Church working with 4 & 5 year olds.

Colene (Hutto/FS '78) Newton and Ric Newton have been married for 27 years, and are living in Chico, CA. They own and operate two funeral homes in Butte County. The Newton's have three daughters, Shawntel, who appeared on 'The Bachelor' (season 15) and is working at the Chico Funeral Home; Destiny, who graduated from Mesa Jr. College in San Diego, CA and is now attending Chico State University; and Vanessa who is attending Butte College.

Steve Broome (BA '77) decided to retire (after semi-retiring in 2003) from the Lane County Sheriff's Office. Steve and Melinda's oldest daughter and her husband had a baby boy in April 2010. Their second daughter graduated from Northwest Christian University in May 2010. Their son graduated last year from high school. Melinda retired as the Assistant DA in 2005. The Broome's live in Eugene, OR.

Gary Fast (BA '77) is in his 30th year as a Director with Seattle's Union Gospel Mission. Gary and his wife Margaret also celebrated 40 years of marriage in 2018. They live in Everett, WA, have four children and nine grandchildren, and are long time members of New Life Foursquare Church in Everett.

Richard (FS '77) and Josi (Morton/FS '76) Ingram left Arizona in 2008 to join Pioneer Bible Translators as staff at the International Sevice Center in Dallas, TX. After 25 years as a Costumer for theaters and dance troupes, God called Josi into mission work. In Dallas, Josi is involved with volunteers, work teams, event planning and talking to churches about PBI and its work around the world.

Casey McMichael (BA '77) has worked for Youth For Christ, then went to work for the LACO Sheriff's Dept. (30yrs.), now has been retired for 5 years. Casey has four children with his youngest getting married in March, 2020. He and his wife, Tara, are active in their church. They are looking forward to the "empty nest"coming soon! Blessings on all you former alumni.

Bruce Russell (BA '76) is now Executive Director of Turn-Around Ministries which provides interim ministerial assistance as well as crisis intervention for churches in the United States. For more information check out www. and click on Turn-Around Ministry

Dennis Shelby (BA '76) after graduating from PCC Dennis received his MSW at CSU, Fresno. He was the Dir. of Patient and Family Services for 11 years at Kaweah Delta Hospital in Visalia, CA, For the next 27 years he held top leadership roles in psychiatric, rehabilitation and rural healthcare in the states of California, Colorado, Arkansas, Arizona, Oklahoma and Kansas. He is proud of his family and their service for Christ. Judy, wife of 42 years, is an RN spending most of her career in cancer care. Dennis and Judy's daughter Alison (Shelby) Myers, a 2003 graduate of HIU is currently the Worship Leader at Redeemer Covenant Church in Tulsa. Lindsay is a Oncology Clinical Research Coordinator in Rogers, AR. PCC/ HIU has prepared Dennis well for life and ministry. He is grateful for the professors, alumni and friends of the University and their impact on his life. The Shelbys currently own a lake home in Bella Vista, AR where they intend to live out retirement when that day comes. They attend New Life Christian Church in BV and look forward to serving there when they do live in that community full time.

Steve Smith (BA'76) has been working in the printing business for most of the past 39 years. Steve has lived in Lafayette, Indiana for over 12 years. He has 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren.

Jan (Hassoldt/BA '76) Tamble is working for the Orange County Department of Education as a Strides/SES Tutor as well as a substitute teacher. She has been on mission teams through Threads Africa for the past 6 years. Jan also has been involved with training teachers and building safe houses for teen girls.

Steve Alley (BA '75) and Cora Alley have produced SKITuations, a drama based curriculum for children's ministry. They have also written a Bible curriculum for Christian schools called 'Biblical Choices For A New Generation'.

Cathy Bodell (BS '75) and Bob (BA '79, MA '81,MF '88) will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on June 2, 2019.

Evan Foote (BA'75) and Linda (BA '74) After more than 40 years of full-time ministry, all at Pomerado Christian Church in Poway, Evan Foote has retired from the day to day operations of the church. Evan and Linda both began ministry serving at Parkcrest Church in Long Beach and moved to Poway in 1977. Linda, who was the first Social Science major to graduate from HIU, has been active in the ministry as well as serving as a teacher and trainer in the Poway Unified School District. Linda will retire from PUSD at the end of this school year. Evan and Linda still live in Poway and continue to attend Pomerado Christian Church.

Michael Johnson (BA '75) has retired from the Ventura County Sheriff's Department after serving for 27 years.

Annita "Katy" Chittick (BA '74) has been a consultant with Creative Memories for over 22 years. She loves doing digital books and cards. She has become the digital trainer for her team and customers. Check out her website at www. Katy feels blessed that she has been able to work from her home in Los Alamitos, CA.

Ron Cushing (BA '74, MEd '06) spent the last year overseeing the building of a new preschool/elementary Christian school campus in Anaheim, CA. Independence Christian School is now located at Cornerstone Church of Anaheim. Ron's mother, Edna Cushing (FS '58) went to be with the Lord last March at the age of 90. Christine Cushing (BA '73) teaches voice and musical theater at Independence Christian School and is enjoying the new theater available for her productions at the new school campus.

Tom Fulce (BS '74, MA '98) serves at Christ's Church of the Valley, teaching an adult Sunday Class. After the passing of Tom's wife of 48 years, Charlene, from ALS, Tom married Laura Fox. Together, they have 11 grandsons, 4 granddaughters with another on the way, and 2 great-grandsons. The Fulce's live in Bakersfield, CA.

Guy Glimpse (BA '74) retired July 5, 2017 from Capital Group Companies after 16 years. Celebrated by taking a trip to Ireland.

John "Bud" Moore (BS '74) served in preaching ministry for churches in Ohio and Virginia before retiring in 2003. He now teaches a men's class, leads small group studies, preaches as the opportunity arises and leads worship for Mt. Airy Christian Church in Mt. Airy, NC. Bud's wife, Barbara, retired in 2010 and now leads women's bible study groups. Their two boys are married and the Moore's have three grandsons.

Scott Compton (BA '73) retired from Moreno Valley Unified School District in 2010. Scott is presently singing with Good News Praise Band at Discovery Christian Church in Moreno Valley. He is also in Sun Lakes Chorale and 2 Barbershop Choruses in Sun Lakes and Hemet. Scott currently lives in Banning, CA.

Vern McMeans (BS '73) married his wife, June, upon graduating from PCC. They have two sons: Jason serves in the US Air Force and Jeff who is a chef. Vern worked for Halliburton Services in the oil fields for 37 years before being laid off in 2009. The McMeans live in Texas.

Gary Vanderet (BS '73) and (Kathleen/BA '76) are retiring from being pastors for 48 years. They are happy parents to 3 grown sons and 2 grandchildren. The couple were at Peninsula Bible Church for 40 years and had a church the last 8 years.

Alan Hemenway (BA '72) Retired in 2009 as the State Appraiser (Oregon/Washington) for USDA Rural Development.

David MAyfield (FS '72) is wrapping up the 34th and final year with San Luis Obispo County Mental Health as the Program Coordinator of Intensive Adolescent Day Treatment. Dave will be starting a private practice specializing in men's recovery issues and family therapy. He is deeply involved with Samson, leading men into healing and restorative relationship with God and others. Dave's wife, Jan, is 4 years clear following breast cancer and their only daughter married on 10-10-10.

Lee (BA '72, MA '78) and Loralee (Borga/BA '72) McClanathan were very involved in college with traveling music groups and recruitment. Loralee was in the signature group His" and Lee served as student body president in '71-72 and a student recruiter. They have been involved in local church ministries for 40 years in Illinois.

Debi Philley (FS '72) married Earl Dennis in March 2013. Debi has retired as a sales representative and the Dennis' have bought a house and retired to Kingman, AZ.

Jerry (BS '71) and Claudia (McFarland/FS '71) Christensen have been married for 42 years, they have 3 grown children and many grandchildren. Jerry continues to be the Lead Pastor of the Countryside Christian Church in Keizer, OR, starting the church in 1998. Jerry's hobbies include motorcycle riding, gardening and spending time with the grandchildren.

Steve Gerton (BS '71) is a bivocational pastor, serving in a small, rural and poor community congregation. He survived a total knee replacement this past January. Steve and his wife Pam (West/ FS, '71) live in Winslow, AZ.

Roger Steiner (BA '71) and Bernadette Steiner continue to live in Corona, CA since moving there in 1980. The Steiner's own a real estate brokerage and attend Crossroads Christian Church. Roger stays active by attending the midweek Seniors luncheon and the Business Ministry group. They are helping to raise their niece, Briana, who is attending Crossroads Elem. school grade 4. Both adult sons, Troy and Scott, live nearby. Roger had a stroke in 2016 and has recovered quite well. He attended Pacific Christian College on the VA Bill, after serving in the USAF. He and his wife attend all the musicals and some basketball games also.

Paul Leavens (BS '70) has been the minister at the Lindsay Christian Church the last 30 years.

Deborah Ledgerwood (BS '70) has retired as a staff member from Christian Church of Lemon Grove. Debi spent 22 years as Praise Band/Orchestra Director, and 24 years as Director of Publications. Her son Alex is presently serving in the US Army in the infantry stationed at Ft Bliss waiting for his next duty station. Husband Eugene is still a mechanic at United Airlines. Debi hoping to finally have time to use the flight benefits and do some traveling.

Judith Ellen (BA '70) and Larry (BA '64) Niemeyer Judith Ellen Niemeyer passed away on January 30, 2015 at the home of her brother, Bob Kagler in Bakersfield, California. Judy married Larry L. Niemeyer (BA '64) on December 18, 1965. They served as missionaries in Africa for 48 years, living in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Kenya where she learned three languages. In it all, she was Communications Director for Harvest Heralds, Inc. Besides living and serving among diverse people, teaching literacy, life skills, Bible and Christian living, Judy was a loving friend to thousands, a neighbor, disciple-maker, prayer partner, mentor, teacher and coach, as well as a "mother" and "grandmother" to many. Her home was in Nairobi, Kenya. Family was always a priority to Judy: her husband - Larry, sons - Heath (Virginia) and Ronan (Trinidad), daughters-in-love - Gina (BS '09) and Stephanie, grandchildren - Lucas, Marcus, Nicolas, Genevieve, Tannon and Gianna Judy. Her final days with the battle with cancer were spent with these plus her mother - Velma Kagler (91), brothers - Richard and Bob, sisters - Beverly and Candy, their spouses, nephews and nieces. She loved people, captured their lives in her photography, face-booked with them, wrote wonderful letters and cards, remembered their birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other important dates. She was a kind hostess and loved to get visitors around to the people, families, churches, projects, sites, game parks and restaurants of Africa.


Donald W. Smith (BS '69) passed away January 25, 2013 at Williamsport, Indiana. During 59 years of active ministry he served churches in Iowa, Alaska, Arizona, California and Oregon. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Dora Jean Luginbuhl Smith; by his son, Stephen Smith (BA '76); by a daughter, Barbara Smith Keeton (FS '75), and her husband David Keeton (BS '75); by 5 grandchildren and 12 great- grandchildren. Memorial services were held both in Williamsport, Indiana and Turner, Oregon.

Glen (BS '68) and Linda (Lentz/BA '92) Russell celebrated their tenth anniversary in March. They are both enjoying Turner Retirement Home since 2008. Linda teaches a few piano students and Glenn helps residents keep the computers working. Both are involved with the music program at Turner Christian Church.

Ben (BA '67) and Gail (Young/BA '65) Mackie are both retired and currently living in Sylmar, CA. The Mackie's keep themselves involved in their church and family activities.

Carol Veatch (BS '67) retired in June 2007 after 35 1/2 years as the church secretary of Downey First Christian Church. She is still involved in the Care Ministry of the church as a ministry team leader. Carol is also very involved with the American Business Women's Association, and is currently serving her second year as chair of the Los Angeles Area Council of ABWA. Carol has been able to do some traveling: last year she took a cruise to Alaska and later this year will cruise through the Panama Canal.

Ralph Mehrens (FS '66) began his current ministry with Calvary Christian Church in Bellevue, NE in 1983. Ralph is now semi-retired but continuing to minister to people of his age. Ralph has been blessed with 7 children and 14 grandchildren. He thanks God that Pacific Christian College and Angeles Crest Christian Camp encouraged him to choose full time ministry in his youth.

Jack Schaible (BS '66) recently retired after 50 years of active ministry serving churches in California and Arkansas and Children's Homes in Oklahoma and Chile. Jack and Judy, his wife of 56 years, are living in Bella Vista, Arkansas, where they serve in volunteer community ministries - a women's shelter and an addiction counseling center. They have three grown children: Susan, John and David. As well as seven grandchildren.

Larry Bailey (BA '64) recently retired and moved to Eugene, OR. His career included active and reserve duty in the U.S. Navy (retired as Captain); 26 years of ministry at Puget Sound Christian College (Academic Dean, Professor of Psychology); six years as Manager, Behavioral Health Services, Hanford Site in WA; and four years as the Director of the Psy.D. in Counseling Psychology Program at Northwest University (Kirkland, WA). He also taught Psychology/Counseling courses at PCC, Cincinnati Christian Seminary, and Nebraska Christian College. Publications include articles in several professional journals, Christian Standard, Lookout, Restoration Herald and company newsletters. He has made numerous presentations at conferences [Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS), American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) and North American Christian Convention (NACC)] He maintained a limited private practice as a licensed Clinical Psychologist for 28 years in California and Washington. He and Anita recently celebrated 50 years of marriage with family and friends.

George Gardner (BA '61) For many years, George served as Minister to several small churches, and served as an Elder for 20 plus years at two different churches. In 2011, George and his family moved to Littleton, Colorado. After a sudden illness and a month long stay in the hospital, George passed peacefully and now is with our Lord Jesus. He leaves behind his wife of 60 years, Mari, three grown children Michael, Dena, and Jeannine. He will be missed but not forgotten.


Dan Ballinger (BA '58) and Norma (BA '58) have completed a half century of pastoral care and fruitful family life with several children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and are retired in Seal Beach. I wish to announce the publication of a book, "A Heavenly Echo, The Twelve Steps in Christian Reflection". It is available from

Wilson (BA '58) and Mona (BA '58) Thompson have been blessed with two daughters, Penny Zasadny and Rena Thompson, and a granddaughter, Rose Marie. In their pilgrimage together, the Thompson's have lived in Okinawa, Japan while Wilson was serving as a Chinese linguist in the U.S. Army. After discharge from service, they relocated to Eugene, OR where Wilson completed doctoral studies in Sociology. After graduation they moved to Illinois and served with Christian Liberty Academy. Wilson and Mona now reside in Seminary, MS near Hattiesburg. Wilson commutes to Mississippi College in Clinton, MS where he serves as an adjunct lecturer.

Charles Arnold (BA '54) and Mildred () are living in Huntington Beach. They are in the one percent now with a marriage of 76 years and one percent because Mildred is 96 and I am 99 years old.

Franklin Bixler (B.Div.) and Shirley () married in June 19, 1954. They had three children: Cathy Nelson, Stephen Bixler, David Bixler; seven grandchildren, seven great grandchildren.. Franklin taught at HIU full time 1965-74. Part time until 1999. He also pastored at Westside Christian Church 1966-2004; Costa Mesa First 1959-65; Wilmington Avenue Cristian 1953-59. Franklin turns 90 on 12/03/18.


James "Jay" Garrison (BA '48) is 93, reads his Bible daily, does genealogy on his computer and chats online with great-grandchildren. Before retiring in 1981, Jay preached in Texhoma, OK, and Flagstaff AZ. He then went into public school where he taught classes. Before leaving, Jay became the school counselor/psychologist. His wife Ruth died on April 28th, 2008. He claims to be the oldest living graduate of Pacific Bible Seminary.

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